Exploring, Discovering, Learning

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Memories ...


WooHOOO!!! I'm on Vacation!!!  Time to wander? Explore? Experience? Rest? Create? or simply...float down a stream? I'm happy..quietly happy.

The most wonderful part of it all is being able to REMEMBER each moment I had yesterday and the day before. 

It is a most regretful realization when after a moment in time.. a moment of freedom to wander ... I cannot recollect what happened during my time. Few things are worse than being free and having time pass by without you in it...without memory of it. 

Beauty is not just a moment and encounter... that comes and goes... it is the recollection of beauty itself that lives again and again within you ... it swirls and dances long after the moment has passed.  

Memory is the seed that becomes a forest of joy, and love... It is inspiration, laughter, smiles, longing, a dream we hold on to dearly... and then ... if we're lucky ... it transforms into motivation... to discover it again!

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