Exploring, Discovering, Learning

Monday, September 10, 2012

I will not join you in fear


I will not join you in your fear ...thank you 
For I know the tales, I know the facade 
It interests me not!  
I am much too busy with the colors of day, 
the hues of the night
the illuminations of light, 
the melodies of joy, 
the dancing of ghosts.

I will not join in your fear today
For I know the next step in that journey
the darkness of anger
the infection of envy, 
the hatred of brothers, 
the loss of feeling. 
The reflections in your mind is emptiness
... nothing to do with me.

I will not join your in fear thank you.
 For the unknown is beauty, 
the mysterious is intoxicating, 
the wondrous is alluring, 
the different is magnificent. 

I will not join you in you fear,
for I know a path, 
I know a place
The uncommon is common, 
a reflection of soul.
We welcome change, 
we welcome sight
this is our gift
this is our choice
this is where I shall remain.

I will not join you in your fear... 
I am much too busy.

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