Exploring, Discovering, Learning

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


In Unlikeliest Places

I looked for the fair-fringed gentian 
 In the haunts where once it grew,
But I found no trace in the likeliest place, 
 Though I searched till the falling dew.

So back I turned to the city,
 And was nearing the busy throng,When the waning light revealed to my sight The flower I had sought so long.

I was weary and full of disquiet;
I long for the highest and best;
And I failed to find, in the friends once kind,  
An answer which gave me rest.
But there came to me in my trouble 
A friend I had cast aside,
And I thought of the day 
when the dusty way 
 Could give what the field denied.

~ Henry Hildreth Piper