Exploring, Discovering, Learning

Monday, June 29, 2015

The Stone of Tears

"The greatest enemy 
of knowledge 
is not ignorance, 
it is the illusion 
of knowledge." 

~ Stephen Hawking

Friday, June 19, 2015

Young Blood

Do you remember your youth? 
Perhaps that moment in life 
spent endlessly gazing at the horizon.

Wide eye, reckless, and pondering
the glorious moment of your escape
and the disappearance
into that great unknown
just beyond where the sun sets.

And what would you see?
A future possessed 
of wonders and unknowns 
yet to be discovered. 

And what was life to you then?
A great adventure 
full of possibilities. 

That was then, 
that moment in time
when you had made no choices,
felt none of the consequences 
of the roads you chose to travel,

when all the dreams 
you could muster 
had no cost, 

when hope was a whisper
and had no weight for you to bear,

So what was beyond the horizon?
Illusions withered
mistakes counted
forgiveness offered
and ...