Exploring, Discovering, Learning

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dear Diary, today i embrace change for my own good

Dear Diary, 

I am embracing the hideous facebook timeline. I resisted from the very beginning but I hear ringing in my ears.. I’ve always said to myself…"embrace change Joseph". I can see some good points in the new format but scanning it feels as if face book has removed a large amount of historical posts in favor of a few select posts. Is that true? How is that determined? Or is it still there? i collect and store my history with great care and it was made simple here.Has it been swiped from me? Facebook you helped me remember the importance of the past and empowered me with technology to peer effortlessly into my evolution. We cant turn back now.

History is important for me. It's the story of evolution, growth, learning and adventures. Social sites...ugh.... i despised them initially. Then one day, it changed just like that. What started as a personal social experiment, changed to overcoming self imposed isolation, then slowly became a public yet personal diary of sorts.

I suppose face book was meant to connect old friends and it did that. Bringing up old ghosts, old friends, old opponents as well as those left behind though not forgotten. Even with all these reconnections, Face book through its history also illustrated why and how we drifted apart in the first place. Sometimes the past should remain the past. I found myself reliving old goodbyes with some discomfort…again!  The experience screamed out to me and was telling me the first goodbye was meant to be the end of the story... time to let it go forever. Thinking about it... It’s ok i tell myself with a sigh.  Its ok to let things go  as we each evolve and move on. The past has its dignity too, not all that used to be is meant to live in the present or future.

It’s been about 5 years on facebook and through its history, I see myself change, evolve. Friends come and go, new faces appear from unlikely places, old faces disappear into the night in my rear view mirror. All of us connecting in powerful new ways from around the globe. I wouldn't have imagined that my closest connections are worlds away. A surprise, a delight, a blessing and one I'm eager to explore.

We each drift in a particular way, led by the stick and carrot right in front of us. I find it wonderful to see the evolution. Five years ago I didn’t have friends spanning the globe, the states, from wide age groups and most surprisingly much like me…the odd INTJ.

History is important to me and it’s so wonderful to go back from time to time and notice again how far ive traveled. Each year brings huge changes and unexpected lessons, and as an INTJ....i don't look back, i learn and move forward. I embrace change once again and tread forward with enthusiasm into the undiscovered country.