Exploring, Discovering, Learning

Thursday, November 8, 2018


This is a waltz thinking 
about our bodies

What they mean
for our salvation

With only the clothes
that we stand up in

Just the ground
on which we stand

Is the darkness 
ours to take?

Bathed in lightness, 
bathed in heat

All is well, 
as long as we keep spinning

Here and now, 
dancing behind a wall

When the old songs and laughter we do
Are forgiven 
always and never been true

When I arrive, 
will you come and find me?

Or in a crowd,
be one of them?

Wore the wrong sign
back beside her

Know tomorrow's
at peace

~ Thomas Edward Yorke

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Mistress of Mystery

"I am mistress of all the sciences. 
I go so far beyond all else
 that my work is called 

I manipulate noumena, 
regarding monads as points of entry tangential to hylomorphism. 

As to the paradox of Primary Essence
 being contained in Quiddity, 
the larger in the smaller, 
I have my own solution.

The difficulty is always 
in not confusing 
Contingency with Accidence. 

Do you understand me?"

....."Sure. You're a witch."

 ~ R. A. Lafferty,

Monday, October 8, 2018

Be Careful What You Wish For ..

Creaking Van Iddli Fla Lu Va
Pretty Sah Lu Feh Iddli Twu Ki Padi
Trelly Goilly Doilly Seli Pretty Chedi

Emi Swalin Gwoh
Seri Ferin Dorin Greh
Fairy Seiry Don
Sweedes Machin Twinky Doo
Fweeden Soret

Oosi An Tweeban Retiso
Neh-Neh Fehreeden
Sindwee Bin Doh

Swin Ting Lan Twenty Some Dring Doli
Sweet Lan Bih City Tran Dolinda
Pretty Leheleni Switi Kull
Meli Swimmin So

Emi Swalin Gwoh
Seri Ferin Dorin Greh
Fairy Seiry Don
Sweedes Machin Twinky Doo

~ Ending Credits- Coraline Soundtrack

Friday, August 3, 2018


A portion like madness in season
Bracing all like a breaking of reason
With every night lost and every day torn
With the drama feeling calmer 
and it's calmer in the storm

Speakers are crying like a forest in the rain
I was so alone with my thoughts and my pain
And the darkness closed like a mouth on a wild night
I'll never be free

Ooh, in this darkness
Please light my way
Light my way

Ooh, in this darkness
Please light my way
Light my way

I can't stand on my own anymore
I can't stand in the stain of the broken and poor
I can't break what I held and it never was true
In the mirror what I said was I lied to you
And me and everything I see and everything I could
Tried so hard to be good
For myself, for you, for the hidden and divine
For everything but I can fail just so many times

Ooh, in this darkness
Please light my way
Light my way

Ooh, in this darkness
Please light my way
Light my way

I can't stop when I feel like stopping
At five A.M. just cry, shoot, copping
The perfect life was enough for you
And ever enough to see me through
For all the lies that were spoken in waves
And the way we lived as an affront to the days
Was an affront to the things that we cared about
Was an affront to everything that we cared about

Ooh, in this darkness
Please light my way
Light my way

Ooh, in this darkness
Please light my way
Light my way

Ooh, in this darkness
Please light my way
Light my way, oh

Ooh, in this darkness
Please light my way 

(light my way)
Light my way 

(light my way)

Ooh, in this darkness
Please light my way
Light my way 

(out of the darkness)

Ooh, in this darkness
Please light my way
Light my way

(light my way)

~Moby - This Wild Darkness
~Songwriters: Richard Melville Hall

Tuesday, July 3, 2018



I met a traveler from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:

And on the pedestal these words appear:

‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."

~ by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Thursday, May 3, 2018

The Tin Man Evolved.

I've got no strings
to hold me down, 
to make me fret, 
or make me frown. 

I had strings, 
but now I'm free... 

there are 
no strings 
on me!